Hot Rodders is a radio play produced and performed by the boys of your favorite podcast. We described the show as TV’s Route 66 meets Mad Max with a splash of the Venture Brothers. It's an action-packed radio play sure to delight the listener and transport them into a bleak future world. Follow brothers Otter & Ollie as they drive their post-apocalyptic hot rod, Daisy, across the deserts of the west in search of their long-lost father, meeting characters and adventures along the way. Coming soon!
The first episode of Hot Rodders introduces us to our main characters, brothers reunited with a singular mission. What will the future and the wastelands hold for our heroes? Only time will tell. Hot Rodders is like Route 66 meets Mad Max meets the Venture Brothers. It's an action packed radio play sure to delight the listener and transport them into a bleak future world.